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Automate your strategic marketing with drip campaigns.

Ensure every lead receives consistent messages to guide them through enrolment. Give centre directors and staff time back in their day. 

LineLeader Tour Reminders

Build unique, response-based campaigns.

Build multi-step, response-based email and text campaigns. Drip campaigns act on parent behaviour, based on how they interact with the content you share.

LineLeader Drip Campaigns
LineLeader Personalised Emails

Share relevant content.

Send personalised and timely content to stay top of mind. For example, send articles about strengthening cognitive development. The parents of preschoolers that opened your 'Welcome to the Family: A Waitlist Check-In' email will receive the article, and similar content moving forward.

Re-engage lost opportunities, hands-free.

Drip campaigns are the perfect tool to re-engage families that have dropped out of your enrolment pipeline. In a matter of minutes, send personalised messages to families who may have changed their minds.

LineLeader families

Elevate your campaigns to enrol more families.


"Drip campaigns handle our follow-up with families! We can see who has received our communications and opened them. This software truly has been a game-changer!"

Loura M., Owner

LineLeader Tracking Success

Track campaign success.

Report on drip campaign opens, clicks and more to refine your campaigns. See what's working and what's not at-a-glance. 

The Benefits of Using Drip Campaigns

Save staff time.

Don't miss an opportunity. Effortlessly automate unique emails and text messages.

Improve the parent experience.

Build response-based email and text campaigns to act on parent behaviour.


Engage families.

Capture more family interest with personalised messages.

Boost enrolment.

Create beautiful campaigns to improve conversions from lead to enrolled or waitlisted.

Resources to help you run your childcare business.

LineLeader and KinderM8 Integrate
KinderM8 customers can use LineLeader to sync family data; plus improve lead follow-up, bolster conversion success, and streamline enrolment operations.
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Unique, Childcare, Competition, Australia Childcare software, ECE CRM software, Australian marketing tools
It's not how fast you're running, it's how steady you can run for a long time. Have you noticed how fast you're running?
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ECEC, AU education, waitlist management, childcare, childcare centres, childcare marketing
In the bustling world of early childhood education and care (ECEC), where demand ebbs and flows like the tides, the strategic management of waitlists can be a make-or-break factor for providers...
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Get started With LineLeader.