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Standardise enrolment across franchise locations.

Make your enrolment process consistent across all your franchise locations. Deliver a unified experience that’s on-brand to increase revenue. 

LineLeader Devices

Ensure brand consistency.

Use email, text, and landing page templates that reflect your brand. Keep your brand's look, feel, and messaging consistent - no matter the location.

LineLeader Tour Talking Points

Make every tour a great tour.

Save staff time and ensure they never forget a scheduled tour with our Tour Kiosk. List talking points for your centres so staff can give a consistent, on-point tour every time. 

Oversee franchise locations with ease.

Maintain a timeline of tasks for each family in your childcare experience platform, accessed at the franchise or corporate level. Monitor productivity and keep your entire team in the loop on what’s been completed and what needs extra attention. Franchise staff can easily plan their daily, weekly, or monthly schedules.

LineLeader corporate dashboard

Stay on-brand, across locations.


"I like the ability to conveniently manage and access multiple locations for someone who is an administrator. However, [giving my staff] access to specific locations is important. The [corporate dashboard] bar graph gives you a quick overview of where each location is at with their leads."

Sarah J., Director of Marketing Operations

LineLeader Family

Report on the success of each franchise.

Understand how marketing is performing across franchise locations. In one click, make data-driven decisions on where your marketing can improve. See which campaigns bring in enrolments. Refine your strategy to increase revenue with real-time data.

The Benefits of Using Franchise Management

Boost parent satisfaction.

Ensure every family has a positive association with your brand. 

Increase Revenue

Standardising business processes impacts costs and experience quality.

Keep every location on-brand.

Reflect your brand’s look, and feel with personalised templates.

Improve productivity.

Get insight into franchisee performance from one-click reports.

Resources to help you run your childcare business.

LineLeader and KinderM8 Integrate
KinderM8 customers can use LineLeader to sync family data; plus improve lead follow-up, bolster conversion success, and streamline enrolment operations.
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Unique, Childcare, Competition, Australia Childcare software, ECE CRM software, Australian marketing tools
It's not how fast you're running, it's how steady you can run for a long time. Have you noticed how fast you're running?
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ECEC, AU education, waitlist management, childcare, childcare centres, childcare marketing
In the bustling world of early childhood education and care (ECEC), where demand ebbs and flows like the tides, the strategic management of waitlists can be a make-or-break factor for providers...
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