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5 High-Impact Ways to Use Your Multi-Center Childcare Data

Mastering the balance between growth and profitability isn’t for the faint of heart. And without unified data across all locations, it's easy to lose control as you grow.

Why Streamline Your Data?

Terms like “data-driven decision-making” haven’t traditionally been a part of the early education lexicon, according to our annual benchmark survey, reporting on performance is now an important business challenge for 53% of childcare organizations.

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Make Data-Informed Decisions

As a childcare business leader, every choice you make has an impact on your brand. But how often do you find yourself making decisions based on anecdotes instead of evidence?  

Even now, in an age marked by its influx of technology and mass data accessibility, research shows that 74% of corporate leaders still see themselves as inadequately data-driven. When systems are siloed- it often requires administrators and educators to fill in the gaps and perform manual tasks, leaving ECE leaders with little to no real-time insight into key metrics.

Whether you’re looking for ways to improve your enrollment conversions, bolster retention, plan capacity across multiple locations, or forecast your annual profits, streamlined data tells you everything you need to know as you grow.

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Execute Faster

Who doesn’t love the idea of having clean data at their fingertips?

Unfortunately, nearly a third of childcare businesses say reporting on business performance is one of the tasks that takes their teams the most time. And more than half have multiple team members interacting with families from the very start of their enrollment journey.

Over time, this can lead to fragmented data and a poor family experience.

For faster, better decision-making across centers and teams, start by centralizing your multi-site data.

Reduce Costs Associated With Decision Making

In the age of big data, decision complexity has increased by 65%. And that complexity increases even further with every new center you open.

Each new location you add may already have its own data system, governance and scalability challenges. But with a configurable, unified platform like LineLeader, you can empower your staff to access the data they need with just one login.

Here are some of the ways a centralized data hub can help you improve and accelerate your decision-making:

  1. Easy system integrations:

    With a separate CRM, CMS, and parent app, staff members have to switch back and forth between systems, resulting in missing information and gaps in your data. But with deep two-way integrations, it’s easy to help team members avoid manual entry errors and keep family records accurate across all systems.

  2. Consistent data governance:

    Not every team member needs access to every detail. Customized User Permissions let you create, manage, and update data access individually or in bulk to quickly streamline permissions across multiple locations

  3. Automated reporting:

    This may mean building your custom reports, then pre-scheduling them in your CRM or CMS to send out to key stakeholders on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

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See why 6,500+ childcare centers & enrichment programs trust LineLeader.

Drive Innovation

Accurate and easy-to-access data is critical to identifying emerging market demands ahead of the competition and today 3 in 5 organizations are already using data analytics to drive business innovation, with nearly 92% of organizations reporting measurable value from their analytics investments.

To capture more opportunities, focus on configuring your centralized data systems to help you:

1.  Discover which lead sources are the most effective

2. Double down on your best-converting marketing campaigns

3. Create additional training or update your marketing and enrollment process to reduce lost leads

4. Deliver an outstanding experience that drives revenue and re-enrollment

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Unite Teams Under A Shared Mission

If you’re like most childcare enterprises, your staff are already so overwhelmed by manual work, they’re at risk for turnover. And manual data processes are eating up hours of time they simply don't have.

The childcare enterprises of the future are using their data reporting to enhance the staff experience, not hold it back.

Here are some simple tips to use your data to help unite your teams:

1.Use a unified system to bridge the gap between your central and location-based teams

2.Make sure every team and center are clear on the core KPIs and metrics to watch

3.Schedule regular check-ins to review progress and performance


The Data Insights You Need Are Just a Click Away

Today, 40% of business leaders say they want more help from technology when making strategic decisions that drive revenue and ROI. Because without data, you simply can't see where you're taking the business.

If you’re ready to use your enterprise-wide data to level up your strategic decision-making, enhance quality of care, and maintain a sharp competitive edge in an ever-evolving market, LineLeader has your back.

With easy-to-use One-Click Reporting, you can reduce the complexity of multiple dashboards and reporting tools and give every team and center the insights they need to reduce errors, identify opportunities, and keep the business moving.

Make better decisions in less time. Try one-click reporting today with a free personalized demo of LineLeader.

childcare data

See why 6,500+ childcare centers & enrichment programs trust LineLeader.


Resources to help you run your childcare business.

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It's key to check in with your waitlisted or 'on hold' families at regular intervals. 👨‍👩‍👦 These touch bases allow you to make sure the families on your daycare waitlist are still interested in...
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When already busy staff is trying to manage inquiries coming from every direction, some leads may fall through the cracks. 😣 LineLeader’s Enroll module offers a telephony feature that provides a...
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Additional Resources

For more information on specific childcare resources regarding marketing tools, campaigns, tips, and best practices - see below.

1. See the COVID-19 impact on lead management and how to use a platform to provide a better enrollment experience.

2. Learn how to increase childcare enrollment and gain new leads.

3. View how integrating with a lead management system can save you a headache.

4. Segment your audience and know each Lead Status to effectively communicate with parents.

5. Discover the power of integrating your lead management platform. Partner integrations enhance the enrollment process.

6. Check out ways to improve your childcare website and use it as the ultimate childcare lead generator.

7. Gain tips for never missing another opportunity to gain enrollment leads.

8. As web leads continue to increase, optimize your website and strategy.

9. Understand how to streamline capturing leads.