Attract more families with purposeful landing pages.
Create designated landing pages with web forms to increase interest and boost conversions.

Make it easy for parents to express interest.
Ensure your website is simple for families to navigate. Let families inquire about care at their convenience.
Your goals are limitless: why shouldn't your website be? Childcare website design with unlimited landing pages to accomplish every enrollment goal - whether it's increasing leads, getting more tours scheduled, or registering for classes. Create landing pages to accomplish more with less work.

Effortlessly design landing pages with a simple drag-and-drop editor.
Build, store, and edit landing pages with LineLeader Enroll. Create custom landing pages for your unique enrollment needs or tweak existing landing pages within the system to match your childcare brand. Connect landing pages to LineLeader, so you can easily organize website inquiries and automate follow-up.
Improve your website to increase family leads.
Landing pages see 160% higher conversion rates, compared to other types of signup forms. Add landing pages to your website to promote your enrollment goals. Then, easily guide families through your enrollment process by automating follow-up for website inquiries.

Enrich your website with high-quality landing pages to boost enrollment.
"This software helped us finally get our arms around the incoming funnel of potential new clients. The systematic process of moving the leads through the process has helped us better structure our marketing and enrollment process."
Sarah H., Marketing Projects Manager

Monitor landing page performance.
See how many leads are coming from your website. Enhance your digital enrollment campaigns with real-time insight. Use one-click reporting to monitor website success. Track leads from website inquiries, social media, Google, referrals, direct mail, and so much more. Meet enrollment goals by improving your landing pages with real data.
The Benefits of Using Landing Pages
Reduce manual work.
Eliminate manual tasks. Effortlessly automate capturing family lead information.
Improve your website with less work.
Use a drag-and-drop editor to effortlessly build landing pages.
Maximize lead capture.
Automatically capture leads and schedule follow-up to remain top of mind.
Improve your parent experience.
Make it easy for families to inquire - no matter your enrollment goal.