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Building Brand Loyalty: 5 Data-Backed Ways to Win Parent Trust


In childcare, certain turnover rates come with the job. Families come, children age out. And if you’re lucky, they re-enroll each and every year in between. We’re taking a closer look at the role of brand loyalty in the childcare industry and sharing tips for how to use your data to deepen your relationships with parents and boost your re-enrollment rates.


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5 data-driven ways to build greater trust with families 

Data isn’t just a bunch of numbers. It’s a powerful tool for building stronger relationships.

"Whether it's on the financial side, the compliance side, or the operational side, data has become king," said Lynn Wenger, EVP Strategic Initiatives for 1Place Childcare, in a recent LineLeader webinar

Experts like Lynn believe it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing roles like data analyst and business intelligence expert as a core part of every childcare team. 

But until then, how can you use the data you already have to improve your relationships with families? Here are five practical ways to get started.


1. Transition from center-led to parent-led enrollment

The Challenge: Bottlenecks can hurt your business — especially, if they delay the conversion from inquiry to waitlisted or registered. Modern parents don’t trust siloed, slapdash communication. They expect fast, personalized experiences and centers that give that to them are much more likely to convert.

 The Solution: Over 50% of childcare organizations have multiple team members interacting with families from the very start of their enrollment journey. With a number of different cooks in the kitchen, it’s easy for things to get messy. 


Childcare Enrollment

That’s where automation can help. Let’s take another look at some numbers:

  • 26% of childcare teams spend the equivalent of at least one day per week on lead follow-up
  • Nearly 30% spend 7-9 hours per week on tour scheduling 
  • Only 38% use a centralized enrollment team or specialist to follow up on leads and schedule tours

Parents want complete convenience from A to Z. Automation can help you give it to them, while freeing up a ton of time for your team members. Just imagine how much better the experience would be if those hours were given back to your staff to share updates or follow up with leads.


Here are some of the best places to start.

  • Lead consolidation. Bring all incoming leads from phone calls, emails, social media, web forms and more, together in your CRM.
  • Pipeline analysis. With a central view of all leads across all centers and sources, you can pinpoint where in your enrollment pipeline families are dropping out. From here, you can create additional training or update your marketing and enrollment process to improve the experience and reduce lost leads.
  • Digitize the process. Create an industry-standard packet and make it available for parents digitally. Automatically collect family information, emergency contacts, consent and agreements, medical background, and all necessary state forms. 
  • Automate enrollment tasks. Set up your CRM to automatically assign tasks to your staff and set reminders for both parents and staff so that everyone’s on the same page. With the right system, you can even empower parents to self-schedule their own tours.


2. Personalize the experience

The Challenge: For a generation of clients who grew up with tailored Spotify lists, 5-star-rated Uber drivers and themed AirBnbs, offering a personalized experience is everything. But maintaining a consistent brand image across multiple locations isn’t easy. 

The Solution: Companies that demonstrate brand consistency across channels see an average growth of 33%. Set your brand apart from the childcare orgs with fragmented communication by streamlining  your branding across center locations.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Review your marketing templates. Update your marketing templates every six months to ensure consistent messaging, no matter which location a prospective family connects with.
  • Centralize your branding. Store your branding elements, including logo variations, marketing collateral, color palettes and more, in a central place where both center and corporate teams can find them.
  • Customize your communication. Tailor parent emails and texts with the appropriate branding for each center to deliver a personalized experience, while upholding the overarching franchise messaging.
  • Use a branded childcare app. Invest in a bespoke childcare app fully customized with your unique branding.
Childcare Marketing, Childcare Personalization, Childcare Branding
Family Communication, Childcare communication

3. Strengthen family communications 

The Challenge: 80% of today’s parents see speed, convenience, knowledgeable help, and friendly service as essential for a positive experience. But achieving quality communication across dozens or even hundreds of teams, staff members, and personalities is easier said than done.

The Solution: Remember, your families are your clients. And your clients have lifetime value that goes far beyond securing the initial registration. For stronger relationships between families and centers, follow the data. Similar to your first step of automating the enrollment funnel, you can look for gaps and bottlenecks in your family communication post-enrollment to pinpoint new opportunities for parent engagement.


Here are some ways to make it happen.

  • Personalized communication. The numbers show that loyalty among Millennials increases by 28% if their experience with businesses is personalized. And that doesn’t just mean your enrollment emails.
  • Segment by center, brand or program. When sending group messages for specific families and locations, organize your centers based on unique criteria to help keep the experience personalized. For example, you might only send details about the dates and topics of the Tuesday Story Time Club to the families whose children are enrolled in that specific activity.
  • Engagement tracking. Track family engagement with shared content to get an idea of which content types are most effective. You can even compare engagement levels over time to help refine your communication strategies at each center.


  • Digitized daily reports. Crumpled, juice-stained daily sheets hardly make for a great brand experience. Instead, offer families instant updates on their children's activities, meals, and wellbeing through digital daily reports they can access straight from their mobile phones.

    86% of consumers say transparency from brands is more important than ever before. Busy parents want peace of mind knowing that they’ve chosen a center that delivers quality care.

    If you haven’t already, it’s time to ditch the printed daily sheets and offer parents a more convenient form of communication. Depending on your system, your family app may even make it possible to communicate daily updates with parents via a digital newsfeed similar to what parents are used to seeing on social media.

    For example, in LineLeader, digital newsfeeds enable centers to instantly transform observations into easy-to-access media, such as photos and videos, so parents and families can get caught up at a time that works for them.

4. Streamline compliance reporting

The Challenge: When it comes to trusting an organization with their child’s safety, families want bulletproof evidence they’re making the right choice. After the “twin shocks” of the Global Recession and the Global Pandemic, 7 in 10 Gen Z consumers say safety and security are the top priority. The challenge is to incorporate these elements into your brand.

The Solution: When it comes to signaling trust, quality, and reliability, you can't beat strong standards and guidelines. Even if prospective parents don’t know with 100% certainty what the FDA or ISO are, they know subconsciously that these stamps of approval are a sign of a high-quality product. This principle can also be applied to the childcare industry. 


childcare data, childcare reporting

Use your data to regularly report on key compliance areas, such as:

  • Licensing regulations
  • Health and safety standards
  • Staff qualifications and training
  • Curriculum and program standards
  • Nutritional guidelines
  • Transportation safety
  • Accessibility standards
  • Privacy and confidentiality

Families trust childcare businesses that demonstrate these qualities consistently in their operations and corporate behavior. But with nearly a third of childcare teams spending 7-9 hours per week managing paperwork, lesson plans, and reporting, it’s not easy to keep up.

This is another area where the right childcare technology can make all the difference. With a childcare management system that offers features like digital attendance tracking, contactless check-in/check-out, classroom and ratio management, and automated student vaccination and healthcare reminders, you can simplify and automate compliance monitoring for all the childcare centers in your network.

5. Take the stress out of billing

The Challenge: Millennial and Gen Z parents are the subscriber generations. Rather than making a series of one-time purchases, they exist in a world of automated, effortless payments. And see everything else as unnecessary stress.

The Solution: Make your billing and payments processes as simple as a Netflix subscription. 

Here are some steps to help keep payments and billing simple for parents:

  • Make it easy to charge for additional programs. Make sure your registration and payment process enables easy monthly charges for regular programs and session-based charges for camps and other add-on activities.
  • Let parents update as needed. Families should be able to update their street address, billing information, and modify their child's schedule without having to email or call a staff member. Get rid of the clunky Google Docs and paper-based forms, and provide a parent-friendly online registration portal that is accessible at any time.
  • Digitize your billing process. Your team should be able to add families as needed using digital tools that simplify the process of adding and paying for programs, as well as completing all necessary forms quickly.

If you have multiple sites with numerous auxiliary programs, relying on a central two-person team for all things billing can quickly become overwhelming. Implement advanced roles and permissions so that your site staff doesn't have to manage everything on their own.

Once your billing and payments system is streamlined, you use your data pinpoint and eliminate any issues that could be hurting your cash flow.

Childcare Billing, Millenial parents, Gen z parents

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